Mobile Interactive Floor

Reference price: $1650 ~ $1850

  • 130 games(Windows version) or 80 games(Android version)
  • Host server ×1pc
  • Built-in projector ×1pc
  • Stereo ×1pc
  • Radar ×1pc
  • Universal wheel ×4pc
  • Host remote control ×1pc
  • Projector remote control ×1pc
  • Mouse and keyboard ×1set

اسان جي ڪمپني مهيا ڪري سگهي ٿي سڄي جڳهه جي منصوبه بندي ڪيس جي مطالعي سان. جيڪڏهن توهان کي سڄي جڳهه جي رٿابندي جي ضرورت آهي, مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪريو.


Mobile Interactive Floor

Introducing the latest innovation in interactive entertainment – our Interactive mobile floor with advanced projection technology. Designed with wheels for easy mobility, users can now enjoy over 80 virtual and real interactive animation games projected onto any floor surface.

Our advanced technology allows for a fully immersive experience, where children can use their feet to interact with the games and enjoy endless hours of fun. With a maximum projection size of 3m x 2.1m, the possibilities are endless.

This Mobile Interactive Floor is a game changer for entertainment providers, اسڪول, museums, and more. With the ability to easily move the set to different locations, you can bring interactive entertainment to any event or venue.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to offer your customers a unique and memorable experience with our Mobile Setup set – the ultimate combination of mobility, innovation, and fun.

Mobile Interactive Floor-Interactive Projector and Interactive Projection Solutions Supplier
Mobile Interactive Floor

FAQ for Mobile Interactive Floor

Q1: ڪيترا اثر موجود آهن?

اي: We have two version, Windows version is 130games, Android version is 80games.

Q2: ڇا مان پنهنجي طرفان ڪو ٻيو پروجيڪٽر خريد ڪري سگهان ٿو?

اي: This is all in one, so the projector is built inside, if you are interested in using your own projector, please check our other solutions, we have some solutions customers can use their own projectors.

Q3: Can you teach me how to install the interactive floor system?

اي: This is all in one interactive floor, and actually you just need put to it where you want to use it. No installation need, we will provide you with a detailed installation video if you need.

Q4: ڇا توهان مون لاءِ نوان اثر ٺاهي سگهو ٿا?

اي: ها. جيڪو توهان تصور ڪري سگهو ٿا, جيڪو اسان ڊزائين ڪري سگهون ٿا. پر اهو هڪ اضافي خرچ ٿيندو ۽ مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪريو اقتباس لاءِ.

Q5: پهچائڻ وقت ڇا آهي?

اي: بس 3-5 ادائگي کان پوء ڪم ڏينهن.

Q6: توهان ڪهڙي قسم جي شپنگ جو طريقو استعمال ڪندا آهيو?

اي: اسان توهان جي جڳهه جي مطابق شپنگ جو طريقو چونڊيندا سين, اڪثر استعمال ٿيل طريقو آهي ايڪسپريس ۽ ايئر لائن کان دروازو. جيڪڏهن توهان وٽ ڪا خاص درخواست آهي, مهرباني ڪري اسان سان آزاديء سان رابطو ڪريو.

Q7: ڇا مون وٽ رعايت آهي جيڪڏهن اسان وڌيڪ خريد ڪريون?

اي: ها, اسان پيش ڪريون ٿا رعايتون جڏهن توهان آرڊر ڪري رهيا آهيو ان کان وڌيڪ 5 سيٽ, تنهنڪري اسان کي آزاديء سان ڄاڻ ڏيو جيڪڏهن توهان کي وڌيڪ ضرورت آهي.

Q8: Where can Mobile Interactive Floor be used?

اي: It can be used in museum, exhibition hall, shopping center, theme park, وغيره.

سوال9: Can I see your project case for other customers?

اي: ها, please click our گيلري section to get more information.