Is it worth implementing 3D Mapping Projection?

In today’s digital age, marketing has become an important means for various brands and enterprises to gain market share and enhance their brand image. From traditional marketing and promotion methods to the current era of digital marketing, marketing methods have become diversified and the coverage has become wider and wider. Allo stesso tempo, there is also the problem of increasingly difficult to capture consumersattention and preferences. Against this background, 3D mapping projection, with its unique visual charm and eye-catching effects, has become a marketing tool for various brands.

This blog will conduct an in-depth discussion of this emerging marketing method from all aspects. Are you ready, let’s start our exploration of 3D Mapping Projection

Part 1: Whats is 3D Mapping Projection

Simply put, 3D Mapping Projection is a technique for projecting static or dynamic visual content onto the surface of a specific object, and its principle involves the following aspects:

  1. Projection equipment
    Choosing the right projector is crucial for 3D Mapping Projection, which will affect the clarity, brightness and color reproduction of the projected image, which are important indicators to judge the final result. In general, we usually need to use high brightness, stability and durability of the projector. Ensure that in a variety of environmental conditions, can present a good visual effect.
  2. Content creation
    Content creation is a key step in 3D Mapping Projection. The content production team will use professional 3D modeling software to create image content that matches the shape and characteristics of the projected object. During the production process, the details of the projected surface and the lighting effects need to be taken into account. Inoltre, the content needs to be both innovative and interesting to attract consumersattention and interest.
  3. Projection Calibration
    Generally speaking, the projection objects of 3D Mapping Projection are irregular, such as cars, buildings, trees, stage sets and so on. Perciò, in order to ensure the match between the projected content and the projected objects, as well as the accuracy of the projected image, we need to carry out accurate measurements and calculations, and then adjust the projection angle of the projector and the projected image through the resulting data, to avoid the phenomenon of distortion or misalignment of the image.
  4. Image Fusion
    This is the process of fusing the projected image with the projected object, which makes the presentation of the picture smoother and the visual experience more realistic. In this process, it is necessary to consider factors such as the texture, color, and reflection characteristics of the object, and make appropriate processing and adjustments to the image to ensure the authenticity and credibility of the projection effect.

Part 2: Advantage and Disadvantage of 3D Mapping Projection


  1. Eye-catching: Unlike other marketing methods that are easy for consumers to forget quickly, in an era of overwhelming information, 3D Mapping Projection attracts more people’s attention with its shocking visual effects and is impressive. Thereby increasing the brand’s exposure and enhancing the brand image.
  2. Interactivity: The projection content combines interactive technology to strengthen the interaction with the audience, improve the audience’s sense of participation and experience, and is also conducive to consumersawareness of the brand.
  3. Media exposure: 3D Mapping Projection usually attracts more media attention and reports, helping to increase the brand’s communication scope and influence.


  1. Higher cost: 3D Mapping Projection usually requires a higher cost from the beginning to the final presentation, and there may be problems that exceed the budget.
  2. Limitations: 3D Mapping Projection has certain requirements on site conditions and cannot be implemented anywhere. Anche, 3D Mapping Projection activities usually need to be carried out at night or on special occasions. These factors limit the scope of its use, while also affecting audience reach and participation.

Part 3: 3D Mapping Projection Cases

Nike Air Force 1 Mapping Projection

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the release of the Air Force 1, Nike launched the new AF 100 series and held theFORCE Homeevent from November 30th to December 3rd, 2017 at the Beijing World Trade Center. During the event, Nike used 3D Mapping Projection technology to use an oversized Nike Air Force 1 shoe as a canvas, presenting different visual effects through artistic animation projection, showing the audience the bold ideas and inspirations of creative talents from different fields around the world behind this legendary sneaker.

Is it worth implementing 3D Mapping Projection?-Fornitore di proiettori interattivi e soluzioni di proiezione interattiva
Nike mapping projection

Zeiss Drive SafeCar Mapping Projection

In 2019, Mercedes-Benz and Zeiss teamed up for a 15-day launch event in Germany to link revolutionary optical lens technology with automotive safety, presenting the visual benefits of Zeiss lenses for drivers in both everyday and special environments with the help of unique 3D projection technology.

Is it worth implementing 3D Mapping Projection?-Fornitore di proiettori interattivi e soluzioni di proiezione interattiva
Zeiss Drive SafeCar Mapping Projection

Positive Influence of the above mapping projection activities:

Strong visual impact: The extremely creative and shocking 3D projection effect quickly attracts people’s attention and leaves a deep impression on people.
Brand cultural communication: Through unique visual presentation, the culture and values of the brand are vividly conveyed, deepening consumersunderstanding and recognition of the brand.
Good interactive experience: Allowing the audience to experience the combination of technology and sports at close range, enhancing participation and interactivity.
Topic and communication: The novel display method aroused widespread attention and discussion, spread quickly on social media, and expanded the brand’s influence.
Strengthen brand memory: Unforgettable visual effects strengthen consumersmemory of the Nike brand and enhance brand loyalty.
Data-driven decision-making: Through audience feedback and data analysis, we are able to better understand market response and user needs, providing valuable references for future marketing activities.


As an innovative marketing approach, 3D Mapping Projection has the advantages of eye-catching, creative expression, interactivity and high media attention. It can help brands create impressive visual effects, attract the attention of a large number of target audiences, and enhance brand image and recognition. Tuttavia, we also need to realize that 3D Mapping Projection marketing campaigns also have some challenges and limitations, including higher costs, limitations and time and location restrictions. Perciò, when selecting and implementing a 3D Mapping Projection campaign, various factors need to be considered to ensure the effectiveness and return on investment.

Nonetheless, as technology continues to advance and application scenarios continue to expand, it is believed that 3D Mapping Projection technology will continue to play an increasingly important role in the future of marketing, bringing more innovation and surprises to brands, as well as richer, more immersive experiences to consumers.


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