How to Create Immersive Dining Space?

In today’s era of pursuing unique and ultimate experiences, the catering industry is also constantly breaking through traditional boundaries. A brand new conceptImmersive Dining is gradually attracting people’s attention, bringing diners an unprecedented immersive dining experience from all dimensions.

What is Immersive Dining?

Immersive Dining is not just enjoying food at the table in the traditional sense, but combines the dining process with advanced holographic projection technology to create an all-round, multi-sensory immersive environment. In this environment, diners no longer focus only on the food itself, but are completely immersed in a unique world constructed of light, shadow, sound and scenes.

How To Create A Unique Immersive Dining Space?

In addition to human catering services, technical support is also essential to create an Immersive Dining Space, which can bring additional surprises and freshness to dinersdining experience. Prossimo, we’ll introduce you to the technologies you need to enhance your immersive dining experience:

  • Holographic 3D Mapping Projection

This projection technology can break through the limitations of flat surfaces and project images onto surfaces of various shapes. For restaurants, one of the walls or a unique architectural structure inside the restaurant can be used as a carrier to project images or videos that are consistent with the overall style and brand concept of the restaurant.

For example, if it is a restaurant that specializes in Chinese cuisine, you can design a 3D animation that shows the inheritance of Chinese food culture, from ancient cooking techniques to modern innovative dishes, presented in a vivid three-dimensional image, so that customers can enjoy their meal while waiting. You can feel the strong cultural heritage.

Or create a realistic underwater world scene for a restaurant that specializes in seafood. Various rare marine creatures seem to be swimming in front of your eyes, echoing the restaurant’s special dishes, leaving a deep impression on customers.

  • Proiezione interattiva coinvolgente

Immersive Interactive Projection projection technology can cover the entire space, including surrounding walls, ceilings, and floors, creating an all-round immersive space. The content can be switched according to different themes to make customers feel immersed and enhance their dining experience.

For example, in a romantic restaurant for couples, you can use starry sky-themed projection content and a lyrical soundtrack to make you feel like you are surrounded by the stars, adding a romantic atmosphere to your meal.

Or create an immersive environment of a tropical rainforest for a nature-themed restaurant, where customers can feel the realistic effects of raindrops falling, birds flying and leaves swaying, as if they were in a real rainforest.

  • Interactive Table Projection

Immersive Interactive Projection projection technology can cover the entire space, including surrounding walls, ceilings, and floors, creating an all-round immersive space. The content can be switched according to different themes to make customers feel immersed and enhance their dining experience.

For example, in a romantic restaurant for couples, you can use starry sky-themed projection content and a lyrical soundtrack to make you feel like you are surrounded by the stars, adding a romantic atmosphere to your meal.

Or create an immersive environment of a tropical rainforest for a nature-themed restaurant, where customers can feel the realistic effects of raindrops falling, birds flying and leaves swaying, as if they were in a real rainforest.

Immersive Restaurant Projection Case Study

  • SAGAYA Beef Restaurant(Japan)

This Japanese restaurant created an immersive interactive experience by projecting projections on every wall of the space and on the dining tables, and letting the projections be affected by the plates. This makes the restaurant stand out in the highly competitive Tokyo restaurant market and become a high-profile and popular restaurant. Because of this unique dining experience, customers are willing to pay higher prices, thereby increasing the restaurant’s unit price. Allo stesso tempo, the high-end and innovative image has been successfully established, attracting many requests for business banquets and special occasions, further increasing the restaurant’s overall revenue and brand value.

  • Zintuig Nummer Zeven Restaurant(Netherlands)

This restaurant from the Netherlands is located inside an ancientchurchand creates a unique environment through 3D holographic projection. Its success lies in attracting tourists and food enthusiasts from all over the world, greatly expanding its customer base. High popularity not only brings more dining consumption, but also enhances the rental value and brand value of the restaurant, laying a solid foundation for its long-term development and expansion.

  • Marvel Immersive Theme Restaurant on Disney Cruise Line(America)

The restaurant, located on the Disney Wish cruise ship, attracted guests through the exciting Avengers: Quantum Encounter experience. This feature successfully increased the cruise ship’s appeal, resulting in a significant increase in cruise bookings. Allo stesso tempo, the exclusive menu and interactive experience encourage customers to spend more in the restaurant, significantly increasing the revenue of the catering department. Inoltre, it further strengthens Disney’s brand image, attracts more Marvel fans and family tourists to choose Disney products, and has a positive impact on the entire Disney industry chain.

Conclusions From These Case

Through these successful cases, it can be concluded that Immersive Dining have the following advantages:

  1. Enhance dining experienceImmersive Dining enhances diners’ dining experience through multi-sensory stimulation of vision, hearing and touch, making the dining process more pleasant and memorable.
  2. Increase customer stickiness: A unique dining experience can attract more diners and make them repeat customers, increasing the restaurant’s customer stickiness.
  3. Increase customer willingness to spend: Customers are willing to pay a higher price for this unique and unforgettable experience, thereby increasing the restaurant’s unit price and overall revenue.
  4. Increase revenue: High-end immersive dining experiences are usually expensive and can bring more revenue to restaurants. Allo stesso tempo, unique experiences can also help attract high-end consumer groups and increase unit price per customer.
  5. Increase attention: The stunning holographic effect can easily attract widespread attention and sharing on social media, bringing free and effective publicity to the restaurant and attracting more new customers.

The Future Trend of Immersive Dining Projection

As Immersive Dining Projection integrate more advanced technologies in the future, provide personalized customization, expand application scenarios, focus on sustainable development, and become popular around the world, this development trend will have a significant impact on traditional restaurants in many aspects. In the competition, the novel experience of holographic restaurants may divert customers from traditional restaurants, prompting traditional restaurants to innovate in their business models, such as introducing technological elements to improve decoration, service and ordering methods, repositioning and strengthening publicity in brand building. Allo stesso tempo, the popularization of relevant technical equipment may increase the operating costs of traditional restaurants, and also change the demand and flow direction of talents in the catering industry, forcing traditional restaurants to accelerate changes to adapt to new market demands and competition.


Immersive Dining Projection not only brings us a new dining experience, it is also the best example of the combination of technology and food. It makes dining more than just an enjoyment to satisfy your taste buds, but also an all-round feast for the senses. As this technology continues to develop and become more popular, we look forward to seeing more amazing dining ideas in the future, adding more color and fun to our lives. Both diners and restaurant owners can benefit from this and experience the infinite possibilities brought by technology.

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