Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games

The set include:

  • Ground aircraft
  • Touch screen
  • Power supply
  • Switch
  • Router
  • Speaker
  • Projektor
  • Programming Controller
  • Host machine
  • Remote controller
  • LED sensor tile

Our company can provide the entire venue planning with case studies. If you need the entire venue planning, please contact us.



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Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games

Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games is an immersive sports game project that combines sports and technology, which not only has trendy ways of playing but is also challenging, with two game modes and three levels of difficulty. It provides hundreds of touch-sensitive LED sensor tile light and illuminated wall buttons, which require speed and the coordination of hand and eye. When the game starts, your goal is to step on or avoid these tiles to complete the level challenge. As a new round of traffic passwords, it has everything from trend, sports, health to perception.
Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games-Interactive Projector and Interactive Projection Solutions Supplier
Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games

FAQ for Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games

  Q1: How many games are available? A: There are 2 play modes and 3 levels of difficulty. Q2: Do I need a projector for this Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games? A: The projector can be used to show the scored of the players, so that means you can order the projector or it can also be used without projector. Q3: Can you teach me how to install the Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games? A: Definitely, we will provide you with a detailed installation video if you need. Q4: Kas saate mulle uusi efekte kujundada?? A: Jah. Mida võite ette kujutada, mida saame kujundada. kuid see on lisatasu ja hinnapakkumise saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust. K5: Mis on tarneaeg? A: Lihtsalt 10-15 tööpäevadel pärast tasumist. K6: Millist saatmisviisi te kasutate? A: Valime kohaletoimetamise viisi vastavalt teie kohale, kõige sagedamini kasutatav viis on kiir- ja lennufirma ukseni. Kui teil on erisoove, võtke meiega vabalt ühendust. K7: Kas ma saan allahindlust, kui ostame rohkem? A: Jah, pakume allahindlusi, kui tellite rohkem kui 5 komplektid, nii et andke meile vabalt teada, kui vajate rohkem. Q8: Where can Super Grid Interactive Jumping Games be used? A: It can be used in mall, outdoor square, playground, cultural tourism projects, jne. Q9: Can I have a look about your case for other customers? A: Jah, for more information, please check our gallery section.